Rev. Derik Davis
Senior Pastor
Pastor Derik grew up in Hickory, NC, and went to Appstate where he met his beautiful bride Allison. He received his Masters at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and God gave Allison and Derik the joy of their lives, Jacob, who is married to Hannah. Pastor Derik served in student ministry for 17 years, and has shepherded the community of faith at Winton Baptist Church for over eight years. He is excited for the journey ahead and in his spare time enjoys listening to James Taylor, Toby Mac, Skillet, City Alight, and a touch of Darious Rucker & Journey. He also enjoys hiking the Appalachian Trail, helping anyone (and everyone!) get a better grasp of tech and most importantly doing whatever it takes to make sure as many people know Jesus as possible.
Rachel Cohoon
Worship Leader
Hello my name is Rachel Cohoon and I recently got married in 2024!! I am also a recent graduate from Chowan University! I have a Bachelor’s of Arts in Music and a Master’s of Arts in Organizational Leadership! I have been playing musical instruments since fourth grade! My favorite instrument to play is the marimba which is like a big wooden piano! I am excited to see where God takes us in worship and how we can grow! A fun fact is that I know how to play the keytar too!